
Showing posts from 2004

Warez Programas Full� Programas Completos Hackers KeyGens Cracks Full Downloads ISO's

Warez Programas Full� Programas Completos Hackers KeyGens Cracks Full Downloads ISO's : "Nort" Algunos trucos. No confio todavia en esta pagina. Estos tipos pueden ser peligrosos.

Windows XP: Disable the Windows XP Prefetcher - Windows-Help.NET

Windows XP: Disable the Windows XP Prefetcher - Windows-Help.NET : "Windows XP has a Prefetcher component, which shortens the amount of time it takes to start Windows and programs. When trouble shooting either Windows or program start-up issues, it might be helpful to disable the prefetcher, because it runs as a background service while other applications are running or loading. To disable the prefetcher: Start the Registry Editor Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters Double-click the EnablePrefetcher value (remember the value that EnablePrefetcher is set to!) Change the Value data to 0 to disable the prefetcher Close the registry editor and reboot the computer for the changes to take effect When done troubleshooting, you can re-enable the prefetcher by changing the Value data to its original value. Values for EnablePrefetcher are: 0 - no prefetch 1 - prefetch applications only ...

QLIB 1.0 - Index

QLIB 1.0 - Index Espectacular libreria de javascript

Como recuperar mensajes borrados permanentemente de un PST de Outlook

Esto funciona. Mi compañera Sandra presionó shift-Del y sin querer borró un folder completo. Utilizamos este procedimiento y todos los correos borrados se pudieron recuperar. ----------------- : "Deleted doesn't really mean gone Originally Scott Heath says: The key is that deleted e-mails aren't really completely removed when they've left the Deleted Items folder. �A PST has its own FAT, so to speak,� wrote Heath, �and when an e-mail is deleted, it is simply marked to be replaced.� The trick is getting back that one message that's been removed. Heath discovered a way to do this in an article posted on the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) Web site. In the article, fraud examiner Randall Shane explains how you can deliberately corrupt the PST and then recover it, retrieving all of the contents, including �permanently� deleted items. You can follow these steps to pull this off: Make a backup first! As the following steps involve ...

disable registry editor

Disable The Registry Editor You have, more than likely, heard the warning not to play in the Windows registry if you are not familiar with what you are doing. Even the smallest change can, in fact, wreak havoc on your computer. With this in mind, if your computer is shared between multiple users, you may want prevent other users from opening the registry editor when they are logged in. To disable the registry editor for another user: Click Start, click Run, and type regedit. Press Enter. Create the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System. Within the key, create a new REG_DWORD data type called DisableRegistryTools. Double click the new data type. Use a value of 1 to disable the registry editor. You can also disable the registry editor for all users that log onto the computer by changing the value for DisableRegistryTools under the following registry key to 1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Poli...

PHP: Servidores-IIS/PWS - Manual

PHP: Servidores-IIS/PWS - Manual Esta parece ser una buena guia para instalar php en iis. Tambien vale la pena mirar de Benjamin Mokay (parece ser un buen tipo que le gusta compartir lo que sabe.)

Formato condicional en Reporting Services

Formato condicional Las expresiones permiten manipular el estilo de los elementos de informe. Por ejemplo, se puede escribir una expresión para la propiedad Color de un cuadro de texto para que los datos se muestren con un color distinto según el tipo de datos. He aquí un ejemplo de formato condicional: Esta expresión, utilizada en la propiedad Color de un cuadro de texto, muestra el valor en rojo si el valor del campo Cost es superior al valor del campo Revenue. Si no se cumple esta condición, el texto aparece en negro. =IIf(Fields!Cost.Value > Fields!Revenue.Value, "Red", "Black") Para obtener más información acerca del formato condicional, vea Agregar formato condicional.
By default WinXP search will only look into known files with this fix it will search any file as if it were a txt file Type this into a .reg file to create the fix ******************************************************** Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex] "FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions"=dword:00000001 ******************************************************** I found this at: Chris's Free Developer Tools