Cannot fetch a row using a bookmark from OLE DB provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle
Blog: "Cannot fetch a row using a bookmark from OLE DB provider 'OraOLEDB.Oracle' for linked server"
I had this problem that any update statment using a linked server to oracle would give the above error message.
After a lot of googleing I finally found this blog with the following solution:
The statement that caused the error was:
UPDATE [MyOraLinkedServer]..[XYZ].[TABLE]SET [DAT_COL] = cast (getdate() as smalldatetime)
The destination table contained just one single row. The update should change the column DAT_COL to the current date and time.
A solution for that problem is to use EXEC('...') AT MyOraLinkedServer instead of the UPDATE-statement I showed above:
declare @NewValue smalldatetimeset
@NewValue = cast(getdate() as smalldatetime)
exec( 'update XYZ.TABLE set DAT_COL = ?', @NewValue ) at MyOraLinkedServer
To make this possible you have to enable RPC on the linked server
I had this problem that any update statment using a linked server to oracle would give the above error message.
After a lot of googleing I finally found this blog with the following solution:
The statement that caused the error was:
UPDATE [MyOraLinkedServer]..[XYZ].[TABLE]SET [DAT_COL] = cast (getdate() as smalldatetime)
The destination table contained just one single row. The update should change the column DAT_COL to the current date and time.
A solution for that problem is to use EXEC('...') AT MyOraLinkedServer instead of the UPDATE-statement I showed above:
declare @NewValue smalldatetimeset
@NewValue = cast(getdate() as smalldatetime)
exec( 'update XYZ.TABLE set DAT_COL = ?', @NewValue ) at MyOraLinkedServer
To make this possible you have to enable RPC on the linked server