NCLAUNCH (Chris Pirillo)


@ 01:46PM (PST) on February 19, 2004
I was checking for the unwelcome, Acrobat-launched WISPTIS.EXE when I spied something strange. At some point during the past day, 'NCLAUNCH.EXe' had found its way into my Windows directory and was running ever-so-silently in the background. What's worse, I found it via MSCONFIG set to autolaunch on startup. Not knowing where this process came from, I killed it immediately and searched for clues online. Alas, there were no helpful sites to be found. Diving into the Properties for the file, I found the answer in Comments field on the Version tab to be quite informative: 'File launcher used by SWF Studio screensavers on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.' Turns out this was a remnant of some lousy-ass eye candy I tried (and immediately uninstalled) yesterday. Consider yourself informed and forewarned. "

Parece que instalé un screensaver y ahi quedo ese proceso a pesar de haber desintalado y borrado la apliacacion que lo dejó (creo que fue "Don't touch my computer 2") Que bueno que Chris ya lo habia documentado. Gracias Chris.


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